home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 ddraw.dll,ddraw16.dll(notNT),ddrawex.dll(6only),ddraw.vxd(6only/notNT),ddhelp.exe(notNT),dxapi.sys(6only/NTDriversDir),d3dim.dll,d3dim700.dll(7only),d3dref.dll(optional),d3dramp.dll(optional),d3dhalf.dll(5only),d3drampf.dll(5only),d3drgbf.dll(5only),d3drg8f.dll(5only),d3drg16f.dll(5only),d3drg24f.dll(5only),d3drg32f.dll(5only),d3drgbxf.dll(5only),d3drg8x.dll(5only),d3drg55x.dll(5only),d3drg56x.dll(5only),d3drg24x.dll(5only),d3drg32x.dll(5only),d3drm.dll,d3dxof.dll,d3dpmesh.dll,d3drm8f.dll(5only),d3drm16f.dll(5only),d3drm24f.dll(5only),d3drm32f.dll(5only),dplayx.dll,dpmodemx.dll,dpwsockx.dll,dplaysvr.exe,dsound.dll,dsound3d.dll(7only),dsound.vxd(notNT),dinput.dll,dinput.vxd(notNT),vjoyd.vxd(notNT/9fiveonly),msanalog.vxd(notNT/9fiveonly),joyhid.vxd(7only/optional),joy.cpl,gcdef.dll,gchand.dll(not7),pid.dll(7only/not95/optional),gameenum.sys(optional/DrivDir),hidgame.sys(7only/not95/DrivDir/optional),dmusic.dll(post60only),dmusic16.dll(post60only/notNT),dmusic32.dll(post60only/notNT),dmband.dll(post60only),dmcompos.dll(post60only),dmime.dll(post60only),dmloader.dll(post60only),dmstyle.dll(post60only),dmsynth.dll(post60only),dx7vb.dll(7only),directx.cpl(optional)
- 2 03@C7:0 181;8>B5:8 DirectDraw
- 3 >;CG5=85 04@5A0 DirectDrawCreate
- 4 DirectDrawCreate
- 5 GetCaps
- 6 ?@>25@:0 ?>;L7>20B5;5< ?@O<>C3>;L=8:>2
- 7 ?@>25@:0 ?>;L7>20B5;5< 42865=8O 2 >:=5
- 8 ?@>25@:0 ?>;L7>20B5;5< 42865=8O =0 ?>;=>< M:@0=5
- 9 #AB0=>2:0 SetCooperativeLevel 7=0G5=8O "1KG=K9"
- 10 !>740=85 ?5@28G=>9 ?>25@E=>AB8
- 11 >;CG5=85 >?8A0=8O ?5@28G=>9 ?>25@E=>AB8
- 12 5@5=>A 70?>;=5=8O F25B>< =0 ?5@28G=CN ?>25@E=>ABL
- 13 !>740=85 ?;>A:>AB8 2=5 M:@0=0
- 14 @>@8A>2:0 70?>;=5=8O F25B>< =0 ?;>A:>ABL 2=5 M:@0=0
- 15 5@5=>A ?;>A:>AB8 2=5 M:@0=0 =0 ?5@28G=CN ?>25@E=>ABL
- 16 !>740=85 >:=0 ?@>25@:8
- 17 #AB0=>2:0 SetCooperativeLevel 7=0G5=8O ">;=>M:@0==K9"
- 18 #AB0=>2:0 SetDisplayMode 7=0G5=8O 640x480x16
- 19 !>740=85 >B@060NI59AO ?5@28G=>9 ?>25@E=>AB8 A >4=8< 4>?>;=8B5;L=K< 1CD5@><
- 20 GetAttachedSurface
- 21 0?>;=5=85 F25B>< 4>?>;=8B5;L=>3> 1CD5@0
- 22 B@078BL
- 30 03@C7:0 181;8>B5:8 DirectDraw
- 31 >;CG5=85 04@5A0 DirectDrawCreate
- 32 DirectDrawCreate
- 33 GetCaps
- 34 ?@>25@:0 ?>;L7>20B5;5< ?@>3@0<<=>9 ?@>@8A>2:8
- 35 ?@>25@:0 ?>;L7>20B5;5< 0??0@0B=>9 ?@>@8A>2:8
- 36 !>740=85 >:=0 ?@>25@:8
- 37 #AB0=>2:0 SetCooperativeLevel 7=0G5=8O ">;=>M:@0==K9"
- 38 #AB0=>2:0 SetCooperativeLevel 7=0G5=8O "1KG=K9"
- 39 #AB0=>2:0 SetDisplayMode 7=0G5=8O 640x480x16
- 40 !>740=85 >B@060NI59AO ?5@28G=>9 ?>25@E=>AB8 A >4=8< 4>?>;=8B5;L=K< 1CD5@><
- 41 GetAttachedSurface
- 42 0?>;=5=85 F25B>< 4>?>;=8B5;L=>3> 1CD5@0
- 43 B@078BL
- 44 >;CG5=85 >?8A0=8O ?5@28G=>9 ?>25@E=>AB8
- 45 5@5=>A 70?>;=5=8O F25B>< =0 ?5@28G=CN ?>25@E=>ABL
- 46 0?@>A D3D
- 47 CreateDevice
- 48 CreateViewport
- 49 AddViewport
- 50 SetViewport
- 51 SetCurrentViewport
- 52 CreateLight
- 53 SetLight
- 54 AddLight
- 55 SetTransform
- 56 CreateMaterial
- 57 SetMaterial
- 58 SetMaterialHandle
- 59 SetBackground
- 60 SetRenderState
- 61 SetLightState
- 62 Viewport::Clear
- 63 BeginScene
- 64 >;CG5=85 45A:@8?B>@0 <0B5@80;0
- 65 DrawIndexedPrimitive
- 66 EndScene
- 67 B<5=5=> ?>;L7>20B5;5<
- 80 03@C7:0 181;8>B5:8 DirectSound
- 81 >;CG5=85 04@5A0 DirectSoundCreate
- 82 DirectSoundCreate
- 83 SetCooperativeLevel
- 84 GetCaps
- 85 03@C7:0 WAV-40==KE
- 86 @>25@:0 4@0925@0 M<C;OF88
- 87 5@28G=K9 1CD5@
- 88 !2>1>4=K5 0??0@0B=K5 1CD5@K >BACBAB2CNB
- 89 B>@8G=K9 1CD5@
- 90 SetPos
- 91 1@075F >BACBAB2C5B
- 92 CreateEvent
- 93 SetNotification
- 94 H81:0 1;>:8@>2:8
- 95 H81:0 A=OB8O 1;>:8@>2:8
- 96 >A?@>8725AB8
- 97 GetCurPos
- 98 ?@>25@:0 ?>;L7>20B5;5< ?@>3@0<<=>9 >1@01>B:8
- 99 ?@>25@:0 ?>;L7>20B5;5< 0??0@0B=>9 >1@01>B:8
- 100 -B0 ?@>3@0<<0 <>65B @01>B0BL =0 Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, 8;8 1>;55 ?>74=59 25@A88 Windows.
- 101 5 C405BAO ?>;CG8BL >A=>2=K5 A2545=8O > 48A?;55
- 102 5 C405BAO ?>;CG8BL >A=>2=K5 A2545=8O > 72C:5.
- 103 5 C405BAO A>E@0=8BL D09;
- 104 5 C405BAO 703@C78BL RICHED32.DLL
- 105 5 C405BAO A>740BL A?8A>: 87>1@065=89
- 106 5 C405BAO 703@C78BL 7=0G>:
- 107 5 C405BAO 70?CAB8BL A@54AB2> CAB@0=5=8O =5?>;04>: DirectX.
- 108 5 C405BAO 70?CAB8BL MSInfo.
- 109 H81:0 ?@8 A:0=8@>20=88 D09;>2 :><?>=5=B>2
- 110 H81:0 ?@8 A:0=8@>20=88 D09;>2 4@0925@>2
- 111 H81:0 ?@8 ?>;CG5=88 4>?>;=8B5;L=KE A2545=89 > 48A?;55
- 112 H81:0 ?@8 ?>;CG5=88 4>?>;=8B5;L=KE A2545=89 > 72C:5
- 113 H81:0 ?@8 ?>;CG5=88 A2545=89 > CAB@>9AB20E 22>40
- 114 H81:0 ?@8 ?>;CG5=88 A2545=89 > 4@0925@0E CAB@>9AB2 22>40
- 115 \Help
- 116 hh
- 117 mdirx.htm
- 118 !8AB5<0
- 119 $09;K DirectX
- 120 @0925@K DirectX
- 121 -:@0=
- 122 -:@0= %d
- 123 2C:
- 124 2C: %d
- 125 2>4
- 126 A;8 =8G53> =5 ?><>3;>
- 127 DxDiag %s %s ⌐ >@?>@0F8O Microsoft, 1998-1999. A5 ?@020 70I8I5=K.
- 128 H81:0: %s, :>4 @57C;LB0B0 = 0x%08x (%s)
- 129 H81:0: %s
- 130 H81:0 DxDiag
- 131 ,
- 132 , 8 B. 4.
- 133 $09; %s CAB0@5; 8 4>;65= 1KBL C40;5=.\n
- 134 5A:>;L:> D09;>2 (%s) CAB0@5;8 8 4>;6=K 1KBL C40;5=K.\n
- 135 $09; %s 8<55B AB0@K9 =><5@ 25@A88, GB> <>65B 2K7K20BL =5?>;04:8. !;54C5B ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX 4;O ?>;CG5=8O ?>A;54=59 25@A88.\n
- 136 $09;K (%s) 8<5NB AB0@K5 =><5@0 25@A89, GB> <>65B 2K7K20BL =5?>;04:8. !;54C5B ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX 4;O ?>;CG5=8O ?>A;54=8E 25@A89.\n
- 137 $09; %s 8<55B 15B0-25@A8N, GB> <>65B 2K7K20BL =5?>;04:8. !;54C5B ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX 4;O ?>;CG5=8O ?>A;54=59 25@A88.\n
- 138 $09;K (%s) 8<5NB 15B0-25@A88, GB> <>65B 2K7K20BL =5?>;04:8. !;54C5B ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX 4;O ?>;CG5=8O ?>A;54=8E 25@A89.\n
- 139 $09; %s 8<55B >B;04>G=CN 25@A8N 8 2K?>;=O5BAO <54;5==55, G5< :>=5G=0O 25@A8O. !;54C5B ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX 4;O ?>;CG5=8O :>=5G=>9 25@A88.\n
- 140 $09;K (%s) 8<5NB >B;04>G=K5 25@A88 8 2K?>;=ONBAO <54;5==55, G5< :>=5G=K5 25@A88. !;54C5B ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX 4;O ?>;CG5=8O :>=5G=KE 25@A89.\n
- 141 5?>;04>: =5 =0945=>.\n
- 142 $09; %s 8<55B 15B0-25@A8N, GB> <>65B 2K7K20BL =5?>;04:8. !;54C5B ?>;CG8BL ?>A;54=NN 25@A8N >B @07@01>BG8:>2 4@0925@0.\n
- 143 $09;K (%s) 8<5NB 15B0-25@A88, GB> <>65B 2K7K20BL =5?>;04:8. !;54C5B ?>;CG8BL ?>A;54=85 25@A88 >B @07@01>BG8:>2 4@0925@0.\n
- 144 $09; %s 8<55B >B;04>G=CN 25@A8N 8 2K?>;=O5BAO <54;5==55, G5< :>=5G=0O 25@A8O. !;54C5B ?>;CG8BL :>=5G=CN 25@A8N >B @07@01>BG8:>2 4@0925@0.\n
- 145 $09;K (%s) 8<5NB >B;04>G=K5 25@A88 8 2K?>;=ONBAO <54;5==55, G5< :>=5G=K5 25@A88. !;54C5B ?>;CG8BL :>=5G=K5 25@A88 >B @07@01>BG8:>2 4@0925@0.\n
- 146 :;NG5=>
- 147 K:;NG5=>
- 148 BACBAB2C5B
- 149 :;NG8BL
- 150 B:;NG8BL
- 151 5?>;04>: 2 4@0925@5 =5 =0945=>.\n
- 152 57C;LB0BK ?@>25@:8 DirectDraw:
- 153 ;O ?@>25@:8 DirectDraw =06<8B5 :=>?:C "@>25@:0 DirectDraw".\n
- 154 57C;LB0BK ?@>25@:8 DirectSound:
- 155 ;O ?@>25@:8 DirectSound =06<8B5 :=>?:C "@>25@:0 DirectSound".\n
- 156 #AB@>9AB20 22>40 >BACBAB2CNB.\n
- 157 <O CAB@>9AB20
- 158 A?>;L7>20=85
- 159 <O 4@0925@0
- 160 5@A8O
- 161 B@81CBK
- 162 !5@B8D8F8@>20=
- 163 /7K:
- 164 0B0
- 165 07<5@
- 166 0
- 167 5B
- 168 0745; @55AB@0
- 169 :B825=
- 170 DeviceID
- 171 !>>B25BAB285 DevID
- 172 @0925@ (16-18B)
- 173 @0925@ (32-18B)
- 174 $09;
- 175 C45B >B:;NG5=> 0??0@0B=>5 CA:>@5=85 DirectDraw 4;O !% 2845>040?B5@>2. -B> B0:65 A45;05B CA:>@5=85 Direct3D =54>ABC?=K<.
- 176 C45B 2:;NG5=> 0??0@0B=>5 CA:>@5=85 DirectDraw 4;O !% 2845>040?B5@>2. -B> B0:65 A45;05B 4>ABC?=K< CA:>@5=85 Direct3D.
- 177 !@54AB2> 4803=>AB8:8 DirectX
- 178 C45B >B:;NG5=> 0??0@0B=>5 CA:>@5=85 Direct3D 4;O !% 2845>040?B5@>2.
- 179 C45B 2:;NG5=> 0??0@0B=>5 CA:>@5=85 Direct3D 4;O !% 2845>040?B5@>2.
- 180 !:>?8@C9B5 A>45@68<>5 %s 2 ?>GB>2>5 A>>1I5=85.\n\n0B5< >B?@02LB5 53> ?> 04@5AC dxbugs@microsoft.com.\n\n!?0A81>!
- 181 Notepad.exe
- 182 dxbugs@microsoft.com
- 183 @>3@0<<0 >B?@02:8 M;5:B@>==>9 ?>GBK =5 <>65B 1KBL 70?CI5=0.\nK;0 8A?>;L7>20=0 A;54CNI0O :><0=4=0O AB@>:0: %s\n@>25@5==K9 @0745; @55AB@0: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\%s
- 184 57C;LB0BK ?@>25@:8 Direct3D:
- 185 ;O ?@>25@:8 Direct3D =06<8B5 :=>?:C "@>25@:0 Direct3D".\n
- 186 (!5@B8D8F8@>20=)
- 187 "5:AB>2K5 D09;K (*.txt)#*.txt#
- 188 DxDiag.txt
- 189 txt
- 190 $09; %s =5 A5@B8D8F8@>20=, MB> >7=0G05B GB> >= =5 1K; ?@>25@5= 2 ;01>@0B>@8OE Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs. <55BAO 2>7<>6=>ABL ?>;CG8BL A5@B8D8F8@>20==K9 4@0925@ >B 873>B>28B5;O CAB@>9AB20.\n
- 191 $09;K (%s) =5 A5@B8D8F8@>20=K, MB> >7=0G05B GB> >=8 =5 1K;8 ?@>25@5= 2 ;01>@0B>@8OE Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs. <55BAO 2>7<>6=>ABL ?>;CG8BL A5@B8D8F8@>20==K9 4@0925@ >B 873>B>28B5;O CAB@>9AB20.\n
- 192 5B 40==KE
- 193 C45B ?@>872545=0 ?@>25@:0 DirectDraw =0 MB>< CAB@>9AB25. @>4>;68BL?
- 194 @>25@:8, ?@>2>48<K5 2 >:=5 1C4CB ?@>?CI5=K, ?>A:>;L:C MB> CAB@>9AB2> =5 @01>B05B 2 >:>==>< @568<5.
- 195 -B0 ?5@20O ?@>25@:0 8A?>;L7C5B DirectDraw 4;O 2K2>40 87>1@065=8O =0 ?5@28G=>9 ?>25@E=>AB8 2 >1KG=>< (=5 ?>;=>M:@0==><) @568<5. 0 M:@0= 1C4CB 2K2545=K G5@=K5 8 15;K5 ?@O<>C3>;L=8:8.
- 196 845;8 ;8 2K G5@54CNI85AO G5@=K5 8 15;K5 ?@O<>C3>;L=8:8?
- 197 B5?5@L B5AB =0 ?5@5=>A 87 4>?>;=8B5;L=>3> 1CD5@0.
- 198 845;8 ;8 2K 4286CI89AO 15;K9 :204@0B?
- 199 C45B ?@>872545=0 ?@>25@:0 DirectDraw 2 ?>;=>M:@0==>< @568<5.
- 200 845;8 ;8 2K 4286CI89AO 15;K9 :204@0B?
- 201 025@H5=85 ?@>25@>: DirectDraw.
- 202 @>25@:8 >B<5=5=K 4> 8E 7025@H5=8O.
- 203 A5 ?@>25@:8 7025@H8;8AL CA?5H=>.
- 204 58725AB=0O >H81:0
- 205 H81:0 =0 H035 %d (%s): HRESULT = 0x%08x (%s)
- 206 C45B ?@>872545=0 ?@>25@:0 Direct3D =0 MB>< CAB@>9AB25. @>4>;68BL?
- 207 C45B ?@>872545=0 ?@>25@:0 Direct3D A 8A?>;L7>20=85< ?@>3@0<<=>9 ?@>@8A>2:8.
- 208 845;8 ;8 2K 2@0I0NI89AO :C18:?
- 209 @>25@:0 >B<5=5=0 =060B85< :;028H8.
- 210 C45B ?@>872545=0 ?@>25@:0 Direct3D A 8A?>;L7>20=85< 0??0@0B=>3> CA:>@5=8O.
- 211 7<5=8BL ?>2545=85 DirectX 4;O %s (B>;L:> 4;O A?5F80;8AB>2!):
- 212 0@0<5B@K 4;O %s
- 213 H81:0 ?@8 A>E@0=5=88 ?0@0<5B@>2 ?@8;>65=8O.
- 214 '0AB>B0 >1=>2;5=8O 4>;6=0 1KBL 2 ?@545;0E >B 40 4> 120.
- 215 $09; %s >BACBAB2C5B! 5>1E>48<> ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX.\n
- 216 $09;K (%s) >BACBAB2CNB! 5>1E>48<> ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX.\n
- 217 dxdiag.chm
- 218 5 C405BAO =09B8 8;8 >B:@KBL D09; A?@02:8 4;O DxDiag.
- 219 dxsetup.exe(optional/notNT),dsetup.dll(optional/notNT),dsetup16.dll(optional/notNT),dsetup32.dll(optional/notNT)
- 220 H81:0 ?@8 CAB0=>2:5 16-18B=>3> (high color) @568<0 ?@8 @07@5H5=88 640x480. >7<>6=>, GB> B0:>9 @568< =5 ?>445@68205BAO :><?LNB5@><. -B> =5 O2;O5BAO A5@L57=>9 =5?>;04:>9, >4=0:> =5:>B>@K5 ?@>3@0<<K <>3CB =5 @01>B0BL 87-70 >BACBAB28O MB>3> @568<0.
- 221 5 C405BAO ?>;CG8BL >A=>2=K5 A2545=8O > DirectMusic.
- 222 C7K:0
- 223 5 C405BAO ?>;CG8BL 4>?>;=8B5;L=K5 A2545=8O > DirectMusic.
- 224 ?8A0=85
- 225 "8?
- 226 >445@6:0 DLS
- 227 >@B ?> C<>;G0=8N
- 228 5 =0945=K ?>@BK DirectMusic.\n
- 229 $09; General MIDI DLS =5 C:070= 2 @55AB@5.\n
- 230 #:070==K9 D09; General MIDI DLS =5 =0945=.\n
- 231 E>4/KE>4
- 232 C45B ?@>872545=0 ?@>25@:0 DirectMusic A 8A?>;L7>20=85< <C7K:0;L=>3> ?>@B0 "%s". @>4>;68BL?
- 233 K7>2 CoInitialize
- 234 !>740=85 >1J5:B0 IDirectMusicLoader
- 235 !>740=85 >1J5:B0 IDirectMusicPerformance
- 236 =8F80;870F8O >1J5:B0 IDirectMusicPerformance
- 237 !>740=85 IDirectMusicPort
- 238 :B82878@>20=85 IDirectMusicPort
- 239 #AB0=>2:0 AutoDownload 7=0G5=8O !"
- 240 >102;5=85 IDirectMusicPort 2 >1J5:B IDirectMusicPerformance
- 241 07=0G5=85 1;>:0 PChannel
- 242 5@5AK;:0 <C7K:0;L=KE @5AC@A>2 2> 2@5<5==K9 D09;
- 243 A?>;L7>20=85 2@5<5==>9 ?0?:8 2 :0G5AB25 ?0?:8 ?>8A:0
- 244 03@C7:0 <C7K:8 >1J5:B>< IDirectMusicLoader
- 245 >A?@>872545=85 CG0AB:0
- 246 >;6=0 1KBL A;KH=0 <C7K:0. ;O ?@>4>;65=8O =06<8B5 :=>?:C "".
- 247 ;O ?@>25@:8 DirectMusic =06<8B5 :=>?:C "@>25@:0 DirectMusic".\n
- 248 57C;LB0BK ?@>25@:8 DirectMusic:
- 249 - 2KE>4
- 250 - 2E>4
- 251 - ?@>3@0<<=K9
- 252 - 0??0@0B=K9
- 253 <$09; >BACBAB2C5B>
- 254 %s (25@A8O %s)
- 255 >7<>6=>, ?@8 ?>A;54=5< 70?CA:5 MB>9 ?@>3@0<<K ?@8 4>ABC?5 : DirectDraw 2>7=8:;8 =5?>;04:8. 1>9B8 8A?>;L7>20=85 DirectDraw 2 MB>B @07?
- 256 $09; "%s" CAB0=>2;5= =5?@028;L=> 2 ?0?:C Windows 8 4>;65= 1KBL C40;5=.\n
- 257 5A:>;L:> D09;>2 (%s) CAB0=>2;5=K =5?@028;L=> 2 ?0?:C Windows 8 4>;6=K 1KBL C40;5=K.\n
- 258 C45B ?@>872545=0 ?@>25@:0 DirectSound A 8A?>;L7>20=85< 72C:>2>3> MDD5:B0, 70?8A0==>3> 2 @07;8G=KE D>@<0B0E. @>4>;68BL?
- 259 #AB0=>2;5==0O 72C:>20O ?;0B0 =5 ?>445@68205B 0??0@0B=CN 1CD5@870F8N. >A?@>872545=85 72C:>2 1C45B ?@>872545=> A 8A?>;L7>20=85< ?@>3@0<<=KE 1CD5@>2.
- 260 @>72CG0;:\n\n%s%s, %d-18B %d:F, 87 1CD5@0 %s.\n\nK A;KH0;8 72C:?
- 261 3-D
- 262 >=>
- 263 !B5@5>
- 264 =>3>:0=0;L=K9
- 265 -<C;8@>20==K9
- 266 VXD
- 267 WDM
- 268 5?@028;L=K5 0@3C<5=BK
- 269 1I0O >H81:0
- 270 5>6840==0O >H81:0
- 271 5 @50;87>20=>
- 272 5 4>AB0B>G=> ?0<OB8
- 273 =B5@D59A >BACBAB2C5B
- 274 5?@028;L=K9 @568<
- 275 5?@028;L=K9 @568< B>G5:
- 276 5 C405BAO A>740BL :>=B5:AB CAB@>9AB20
- 277 5 =0945=>
- 278 BACBAB2C5B ?>445@6:0 DirectDraw
- 279 BACBAB2C5B 3D
- 280 5?@028;L=>5 CAB@>9AB2>
- 281 H81:0 ?@8 8=8F80;870F88
- 282 H81:0 ?@8 A>740=88 <0B5@80;0
- 283 H81:0 ?@8 7040=88 >A25I5=8O
- 284 -;5<5=B C?@02;5=8O =5 4>ABC?5=
- 285 5?@028;L=K9 D>@<0B
- 286 CD5@ ?>B5@O=
- 287 @0925@ >BACBAB2C5B
- 288 H81:0 4@0925@0
- 289 >@BK >B:@KBK
- 290 #AB@>9AB2> C65 8A?>;L7C5BAO
- 291 54>AB0B>G=K9 @07<5@ 1CD5@0
- 292 CA>: =5 =0945=
- 293 5?@028;L=K9 8=AB@C<5=B
- 294 5 C405BAO ?@>G5ABL
- 295 03@C7G8:: =5?@028;L=K9 ?CBL
- 296 03@C7G8:: =5 C405BAO >B:@KBL D09;
- 297 03@C7G8:: D>@<0B =5 ?>445@68205BAO
- 298 1J5:B =5 =0945=
- 299 H81:0 ?@8 2K?>;=5=88 70?@>A0, ?>A:>;L:C @5AC@AK DirectSound, B0:85 :0: C@>25=L ?@8>@8B5B0, C65 8A?>;L7CNBAO.
- 300 =5 8A?>;L7C5BAO
- 301 =5 8A?>;L7C5BAO
- 302 =5 8A?>;L7C5BAO
- 303 =5 8A?>;L7C5BAO
- 304 &:;NG8BL
- 305 &B:;NG8BL
- 306 &:;NG8BL
- 307 B:&;NG8BL
- 308 0<5G0=85: MB> 72C:>2>5 CAB@>9AB2> =5 ?>445@68205B @>4=>9 16-18B=K9 D>@<0B 72C:0. 5:>B>@K5 A>2@5<5==K5 ?@>3@0<<K <>3CB @01>B0BL A =8< =5 ?@028;L=>. 4=0:>, DirectSound 1C45B AB0@0BLAO 8A?>;L7>20BL MB8 ?@8;>65=8O 2 B5E A;CG0OE, :>340 MB> 2>7<>6=>.
- 309 =5B
- 310 (A5<59AB2> NEC PC-98)
- 311 %s%s (%d.%d, Build %d) %s
- 312 >B;04>G=0O 25@A8O
- 313 %s (AB0=40@BK: %s)
- 314 %d 8A?>;L7>20=>, %d A2>1>4=>
- 315 :>=5G=0O 25@A8O
- 316 15B0-25@A8O
- 317 2K?CI5==0O 25@A8O
- 318 (?@8ACBAB2C5B)
- 319 > C<>;G0=8N
- 320 =5H=89
- 321 A;8 : :><?LNB5@C ?>4:;NG5= 2=5H=89 A8=B570B>@, 2K 4>;6=K A;KH0BL 2>A?@>872>48<CN =0 =5< <C7K:C. ;O ?@>4>;65=8O =06<8B5 :=>?:C "".
- 322 Unicode
- 323 (G0AB. ?> C<>;G.)
- 324 (>?B. G0AB>B0)
- 325 (%d &#)
- 326 5 C405BAO 70?CAB8BL DxSetup.exe.
- 327 -B0 Unicode 25@A8O ?@>3@0<<K DxDiag <>65B 1KBL 8A?>;L7>20=0 B>;L:> =0 Windows NT. ;O @01>BK =0 Windows 95 8 Windows 98 4>;6=0 1KBL 8A?>;L7>20=0 =5-Unicode 25@A8O DxDiag.
- 328 $09; "%s" 8<55B AB0@CN 25@A8N, GB> <>65B O2;OBLAO ?@8G8=>9 =5?>;04>:.\n
- 329 5A:>;L:> D09;>2 (%s) 8<5NB AB0@CN 25@A8N, GB> <>65B O2;OBLAO ?@8G8=>9 =5?>;04>:.\n
- 330 $09; "%s" 8<55B 15B0-25@A8N, GB> <>65B O2;OBLAO ?@8G8=>9 =5?>;04>:.\n
- 331 5A:>;L:> D09;>2 (%s) 8<5NB 15B0-25@A8N, GB> <>65B O2;OBLAO ?@8G8=>9 =5?>;04>:.\n
- 332 $09; "%s" 8<55B >B;04>G=CN 25@A8N, GB> <>65B O2;OBLAO ?@8G8=>9 =5?>;04>:.\n
- 333 5A:>;L:> D09;>2 (%s) 8<5NB >B;04>G=CN 25@A8N, GB> <>65B O2;OBLAO ?@8G8=>9 =5?>;04>:.\n
- 334 $09; "%s" >BACBAB2C5B!\n
- 335 5A:>;L:> D09;>2 (%s) >BACBAB2CNB!\n
- 336 568< O4@0
- 337 !5BL
- 338 !2545=8O 2 @55AB@5 > ?>AB02I8:5 A;C61K "%s" >BACBAB2CNB 8;8 ?>2@5645=K. 5>1E>48<> ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX.\n
- 339 $09; %s, =5>1E>48<K9 4;O ?>AB02I8:0 A;C61K "%s", >BACBAB2C5B. 5>1E>48<> ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX.\n
- 340 !2545=8O 2 @55AB@5 > ?@8;>65=88 DirectPlay "%s" >BACBAB2CNB 8;8 ?>2@5645=K. 5>1E>48<> ?5@5CAB0=>28BL MB> ?@8;>65=85.\n
- 341 $09; %s, =5>1E>48<K9 4;O ?@8;>65=8O DirectPlay "%s", >BACBAB2C5B. 5>1E>48<> ?5@5CAB0=>28BL MB> ?@8;>65=85.\n
- 342 57C;LB0BK ?@>25@:8 DirectPlay:
- 343 ;O ?@>25@:8 DirectPlay =06<8B5 :=>?:C "@>25@:0 DirectPlay".\n
- 344 55AB@
- 345 $09;
- 346 GUID
- 347
- 348 H81:0
- 349 H81:0 ?@8 ?>;CG5=88 A2545=89 > A5B8
- 350 "5AB>2K9 ?>;L7>20B5;L
- 351 "5AB>2K9 A50=A
- 352 %s ?>4A>548=8;AO : A50=AC.\n
- 353 %s ?>:8=C; A50=A.\n
- 354 K7>2 CoInitialize
- 355 !>740=85 >1J5:B0 DirectPlay
- 356 5@5G8A;5=85 ?>4:;NG5=89
- 357 5@5G8A;5=85 A50=A>2
- 358 5@5G8A;5=85 83@>:>2
- 359 B?@02:0 A>>1I5=8O @073>2>@0
- 360 >;CG5=85 A>>1I5=8O DirectPlay
- 361 =8F80;870F8O ?>4:;NG5=8O
- 362 !>740=85 A50=A0
- 363 >4A>548=5=85 : A50=AC
- 364 $09;K DX Media
- 365 actmovie.exe(optional),amstream.dll(nfm),danim.dll(nfm),devenum.dll(nfm),dxmasf.dll(nfm),dxtmsft.dll(nfm),dxtmsft3.dll(optional),dxtrans.dll(nfm),lmrt.dll(nfm),lmrtrend.dll(optional),mciqtz.drv(optional),mciqtz32.dll(optional),mpg2splt.ax(optional),mplayer2.exe(mp/nfm),msdxm.ocx(nfm),qcap.dll(nfm),qcut.dll(nfm),qdv.dll(nfm),qdvd.dll(nfm),quartz.dll(optional),quartz.vxd(optional),strmdll.dll(nfm),unam4ie.exe(optional),unregmp2.exe(optional),vidx16.dll(optional),iac25_32.ax(optional),ir41_32.ax(optional),ir41_qc.dll(optional),ir41_qcx.dll(optional),ir50_32.dll(optional),ir50_qc.dll(optional),ir50_qcx.dll(optional),ivfsrc.ax(optional),tm20dec.ax(optional),atl.dll(optional),comcat.dll(optional),msvcrt.dll(optional),oleaut32.dll(optional),olepro32.dll(optional),urlmon.dll(optional),wininet.dll(optional)
- 366 57 CA:>@5=8O
- 367 07>2>5 CA:>@5=85
- 368 !B0=40@B=>5 CA:>@5=85
- 369 >;=>5 CA:>@5=85
- 370 B:070=> 2 4>ABC?5
- 371 5 C405BAO 4>1028BL 83@>:0
- 372 5 C405BAO A>740BL A50=A
- 373 >7=8:;> 8A:;NG5=85
- 374 5?@028;L=K9 >1J5:B
- 375 5B ?>4:;NG5=8O
- 376 "09<-0CB>2
- 377 !8AB5<0 =54>ABC?=0
- 378 >4:;NG5=85 ?>B5@O=>
- 379 BACBAB2C5B ?>AB02I8: A;C61K 4>ABC?0
- 380 5 4>ABC?=>
- 381 ;0AA =5 70@538AB@8@>20=
- 382 DirectX Media =5 CAB0=>2;5=0 =0 MB>< :><?LNB5@5.\n
- 383 ;O ?@>2545=8O ?@>25@:8 =5>1E>48<> =0;8G85 DirectX 25@A88 6.0.
- 384 @8 8=8F80;870F88 ?>4:;NG5=8O A 8A?>;L7>20=85< C:070==>3> ?>AB02I8:0 A;C61K 2>7=8:;0 >H81:0. -B> <>3;> 1KBL 2K720=> >BACBAB285< =5>1E>48<>3> >1>@C4>20=8O 8;8 A5B52KE ?@>B>:>;>2.
- 385 dxbugs@microsoft.com
- 386 >7<>6=>, ?@8 ?>A;54=5< 70?CA:5 MB>9 ?@>3@0<<K ?@8 4>ABC?5 : DirectSound 2>7=8:;8 =5?>;04:8. 1>9B8 8A?>;L7>20=85 DirectSound 2 MB>B @07?
- 387 =5B
- 388 A>1>5
- 389 25 >A8, 425 :=>?:8
- 390 25 >A8, G5BK@5 :=>?:8
- 391 3@>2>9 ?;0=H5B (2 :=>?:8)
- 392 (BC@20; (2 :=>?:8)
- 393 (BC@20; (2 :=>?:8 8 @KG03 3070)
- 394 "@8 >A8, 425 :=>?:8
- 395 "@8 >A8, G5BK@5 :=>?:8
- 396 3@>2>9 ?;0=H5B (4 :=>?:8)
- 397 (BC@20; (4 :=>?:8)
- 398 (BC@20; (4 :=>?:8 8 @KG03 3070)
- 399
- 400 $09; %s >BACBAB2C5B! 5>1E>48<> ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX Media.\n
- 401 $09;K (%s) >BACBAB2CNB! 5>1E>48<> ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX Media.\n
- 402 $09; %s 8<55B 15B0-25@A8N, GB> <>65B 2K7K20BL =5?>;04:8. !;54C5B ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX Media 4;O ?>;CG5=8O ?>A;54=59 25@A88.\n
- 403 $09;K (%s) 8<5NB 15B0-25@A88, GB> <>65B 2K7K20BL =5?>;04:8. !;54C5B ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX Media 4;O ?>;CG5=8O ?>A;54=8E 25@A89.\n
- 404 $09; %s 8<55B >B;04>G=CN 25@A8N 8 2K?>;=O5BAO <54;5==55, G5< :>=5G=0O 25@A8O. !;54C5B ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX Media 4;O ?>;CG5=8O :>=5G=>9 25@A88.\n
- 405 $09;K (%s) 8<5NB >B;04>G=K5 25@A88 8 2K?>;=ONBAO <54;5==55, G5< :>=5G=K5 25@A88. !;54C5B ?5@5CAB0=>28BL DirectX Media 4;O ?>;CG5=8O :>=5G=KE 25@A89.\n
- 406 DxDiag =52>7<>6=> 70?CAB8BL 2 8=B5@0:B82=>< @568<5 ?>4 Windows NT 4.0. %>B8B5 A>E@0=8BL A2545=8O DirectX 2 D09; 8 2K9B8 87 ?@>3@0<<K?
- 407 $09; A>E@0=5=. 01>B0 DxDiag 1C45B 7025@H5=0.
- 408 sound.htm
- 409 tshoot98.chm
- 410 ::/w98directx.htm
- 411 ::/w98sound.htm
- 412 ;O ?@>A<>B@0 D09;>2 A?@02:8 =5>1E>48<0 25@A8O Internet Explorer =5 =865 25@A88 5.0.
- 413 :;&NG8BL
- 414 B:;&NG8BL
- 415 C45B 2:;NG5=> 8A?>;L7>20=85 ?>@B0 AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) 4;O !% CAB@>9AB2 A8AB5<K, :>B>@K5 53> ?>445@6820NB.
- 416 C45B >B:;NG5=> 8A?>;L7>20=85 ?>@B0 AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) 4;O !% CAB@>9AB2 A8AB5<K, :>B>@K5 53> ?>445@6820NB.
- 417 =8<0=85! #AB0=>2;5=0 1>;55 =>20O 25@A8O DirectX (%s), G5< 25@A8O DxDiag (%s). 5:>B>@K5 A2545=8O 2 >BG5B5 <>3CB >:070BLAO =5B>G=K<8. >A?>;L7C9B5AL =>2>9 25@A859 DxDiag.
- 418 !1>9 0:B82870F88 <C7K:0;L=>3> ?>@B0: =5 =0945= 72C:>2>9 4@0925@. #1548B5AL, GB> 72C:>20O ?;0B0 CAB0=>2;5=0 8 @01>B05B.
- 419 2548B5 8<O ?>;L7>20B5;O.
- 420 2548B5 8<O A50=A0.
- 421 d MMM yyyy
- 422 5 C40;>AL ?>AB@>8BL A?8A>: A50=A>2 =0 C:070==>< :><?LNB5@5. = =5 ACI5AB2C5B 8;8 =54>ABC?5= 2 A5B8.
- 423 &:;NG8BL
- 424 &B:;NG8BL
- 425 -B> =5 ?>72>;8B DirectMusic 8A?>;L7>20BL <C7K:0;L=K9 ?>@B A 0??0@0B=K< CA:>@5=85< ?> C<>;G0=8N.
- 426 -B> ?>72>;8B DirectMusic 8A?>;L7>20BL ACI5AB2CNI89 <C7K:0;L=K9 ?>@B A 0??0@0B=K< CA:>@5=85< ?> C<>;G0=8N.
- 427 1=0@C65=K =58A?@02=>AB8 A8AB5<=>3> @55AB@0. !2545=8O A>E@0=5=K 2 B5:AB>2>< D09;5. 5@5CAB0=>28B5 DirectX.\n
- 428 >AB02I8:
- 429 !>AB>O=85
- 430 <O ?>@B0
- 431 >AB02I8: ?>@B>2
- 432 >4 ?>@B0
- 433 !>AB>O=85 ?>@B0
- 434 #AB@>9AB2> 22>40 '%s' A>>1I05B > =58A?@02=>AB8 48A?5BG5@0 ?>4:;NG5=89 #%d.\n
- 435 >@B 22>40 '%s' A>>1I05B > =58A?@02=>AB8 48A?5BG5@0 ?>4:;NG5=89 #%d.\n
- 436 #AB@>9AB2> A B0:8< :>4>< C65 ACI5AB2C5B. 5@570?8A0BL 53>?
- 437 Datacenter Server
- 438 Advanced Server
- 439 Server
- 440 Professional
- 500 Loading DirectDraw DLL
- 501 Getting DirectDrawCreate address
- 502 DirectDrawCreate
- 503 GetCaps
- 504 User verification of rectangles
- 505 User verification of windowed bouncing
- 506 User verification of fullscreen bouncing
- 507 SetCooperativeLevel to Normal
- 508 Creating primary surface
- 509 Getting primary surface description
- 510 Colorfill blit to primary
- 511 Creating offscreen plain surface
- 512 Colorfill blit to offscreen plain surface
- 513 Blitting offscreen plain to primary surface
- 514 Creating test window
- 515 SetCooperativeLevel to Fullscreen
- 516 SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16
- 517 Creating flipping primary surface with one back buffer
- 518 GetAttachedSurface
- 519 Colorfill to back buffer
- 520 Flip
- 530 Loading DirectDraw DLL
- 531 Getting DirectDrawCreate address
- 532 DirectDrawCreate
- 533 GetCaps
- 534 User verification of software rendering
- 535 User verification of hardware rendering
- 536 Creating test window
- 537 SetCooperativeLevel to Fullscreen
- 538 SetCooperativeLevel to Normal
- 539 SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16
- 540 Creating flipping primary surface with one back buffer
- 541 GetAttachedSurface
- 542 Colorfill to back buffer
- 543 Flip
- 544 Getting primary surface description
- 545 Colorfill blit to primary surface
- 546 Query for D3D
- 547 CreateDevice
- 548 CreateViewport
- 549 AddViewport
- 550 SetViewport
- 551 SetCurrentViewport
- 552 CreateLight
- 553 SetLight
- 554 AddLight
- 555 SetTransform
- 556 CreateMaterial
- 557 SetMaterial
- 558 SetMaterialHandle
- 559 SetBackground
- 560 SetRenderState
- 561 SetLightState
- 562 Viewport::Clear
- 563 BeginScene
- 564 Getting material handle
- 565 DrawIndexedPrimitive
- 566 EndScene
- 567 User Cancelled
- 580 Loading DirectSound DLL
- 581 Getting DirectSoundCreate address
- 582 DirectSoundCreate
- 583 SetCooperativeLevel
- 584 GetCaps
- 585 Loading WAV data
- 586 Emulated Driver testing
- 587 Primary Buffer
- 588 No free hardware buffer
- 589 Secondary buffer
- 590 SetPos
- 591 No sample
- 592 CreateEvent
- 593 SetNotification
- 594 Lock failure
- 595 Unlock failure
- 596 Play
- 597 GetCurPos
- 598 User verification of software
- 599 User verification of hardware
- 610 Call to CoInitialize
- 611 Creating the IDirectMusicLoader object
- 612 Creating the IDirectMusicPerformance object
- 613 Initializing the IDirectMusicPerformance object
- 614 Creating the IDirectMusicPort
- 615 Activating the IDirectMusicPort
- 616 Setting AutoDownload to TRUE
- 617 Adding the IDirectMusicPort to the IDirectMusicPerformance object
- 618 Assigning the PChannel block
- 619 Transferring music resource to a temporary file
- 620 Setting the search directory to the temp directory
- 621 Having the IDirectMusicLoader load the music
- 622 Playing the segment
- 630 unknown error
- 631 Failure at step %d (%s): HRESULT = 0x%08x (%s)
- 640 Invalid argument(s)
- 641 Generic failure
- 642 Unexpected error
- 643 Not implemented
- 644 Out of memory
- 645 No interface
- 646 Invalid mode
- 647 Invalid pixel format
- 648 Can't create DC
- 649 Not found
- 650 No DirectDraw support
- 651 No 3D
- 652 Invalid device
- 653 Initialization failed
- 654 Material create failed
- 655 Light set failed
- 656 Control not available
- 657 Bad format
- 658 Buffer lost
- 659 No driver
- 660 Driver failed
- 661 Ports open
- 662 Device in use
- 663 Insufficient buffer
- 664 Chunk not found
- 665 Bad instrument
- 666 Cannot read
- 667 Loader: bad path
- 668 Loader: failed open
- 669 Loader: format not supported
- 670 Object not found
- 671 The request failed because DirectSound resources, such as the priority level, were already in use by another caller.
- 672 not used
- 673 not used
- 674 not used
- 675 not used
- 676 K7>2 CoInitialize
- 677 !>740=85 >1J5:B0 DirectPlay
- 678 5@5G8A;5=85 ?>4:;NG5=89
- 679 5@5G8A;5=85 A50=A>2
- 680 5@5G8A;5=85 83@>:>2
- 681 B?@02:0 A>>1I5=8O @073>2>@0
- 682 >;CG5=85 A>>1I5=8O DirectPlay
- 683 =8F80;870F8O ?>4:;NG5=8O
- 684 !>740=85 A50=A0
- 685 >4A>548=5=85 : A50=AC
- 686 B:070=> 2 4>ABC?5
- 687 5 C405BAO 4>1028BL 83@>:0
- 688 5 C405BAO A>740BL A50=A
- 689 >7=8:;> 8A:;NG5=85
- 690 5?@028;L=K9 >1J5:B
- 691 5B ?>4:;NG5=8O
- 692 6840=85
- 693 !8AB5<0 =54>ABC?=0
- 694 >4:;NG5=85 ?>B5@O=>
- 695 BACBAB2C5B ?>AB02I8:
- 697 BACBAB2C5B
- 698 ;0AA =5 70@538AB@8@>20=